Luca is a heartwarming animated film by Pixar, directed by Enrico Casarosa, and released on June 18, 2021, by Walt Disney Pictures. Set in the scenic seaside town of Portorosso, inspired by the Italian Riviera, the film beautifully explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and acceptance. With its vibrant animation, rich Italian cultural elements, and a nostalgic summery charm, it appeals to kids aged 4 to 10.
The story follows Luca Paguro, a curious young sea monster, and his daring friend Alberto Scorfano, who transform into humans to explore life on land. Befriending Giulia Marcovaldo, a spirited local girl, the trio bonds as they prepare for the town’s annual triathlon while hiding Luca and Alberto’s true identities.
Luca teaches friendship, acceptance, and courage. Its coloring pages help kids explore these themes creatively through coloring.
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